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Thursday, 31 May 2018

Descriptive Writing

In response to a Home Learning option that required some descriptive writing, Hannah shared this description of Hagrid:

As soon as I saw him I knew he didn’t fit in. Standing twice as tall as a normal man and at least as wide, his humongous figure towered over me like a pine sapling, his shadow casting me into eternal darkness and banishing me to the world of cold. Cascading down his back was a mane of grizzly brown hair that could have easily been mistaken for a big shaggy dog for it seemed to growl at me as I stood there paralyzed. My eyes trailed off to his fur coat that was so big that it probably came from a mammoth. Sitting on his enormous hips was a magnificent belt, with a gleaming buckle that shone like the moon; hanging at his sides were gigantic arms with hands bigger than dinner plates. Covering his enormous feet were boots big enough for elephants; they were splattered with mud as if he had just come from a garden. Suddenly my eyes lifted to his face and, though barely visible through a forest of matted hair, I saw something in his eyes that relieved me from all my fear. Suddenly his eyes darted to me and he said in a voice like thunder, 
“ ‘Ello there.” Unable to think of anything else to say I simply said,
‘What is your name?” He then replied in a voice that was booming but gentle... 
‘I’m … Hagrid.”

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